Naturally Redden Lips Without Lipstick

Naturally Redden Lips Without Lipstick sarpo

 How to Redden Lips Naturally Without Lipstick. Looking beautiful anywhere is the dream of women in general, even some women want their whole body to look beautiful. no doubt plastic surgery today is very popular to change the shape of the face atapun shape of your body. Well maybe now whitening the face and skin is your top priority women are not hehe, but remember there are other parts that you must also take care of beauty besides the skin. Lips, your lips are the main asset of your beauty ladies, right no, what if your face is clean white but your lips look dark, chapped will certainly greatly reduce your beauty. How to redden lips naturally without lipstick well here are the tips I will share with all of you ladies :). 

 But before entering the discussion how to redden lips we discussed first a little about non-natural products that can beautify our lips. We take the most common example is lipstick, lipstick is almost used by every woman but the effect of using lipstick too often is to make your lips black and dark and lose the natural moisture of your lips. Then there is one more tip that is lip embroidery but this method I think is not suitable for those of you who have a fitting bag - fitting an. Well how to redden these lips without side effects are also cheap bagged, let's read what the hell the tips are:

How to Redden Lips

Honey lipstick 

 Yuhuuu ladies, in addition to being useful to whiten the skin, it turns out that honey is also able to make the natural color of our lips come back again and also give moisturizer to our lips. How to use it is quite easy just apply this honey on your lips let it be up to 15 minutes then rinse. You can even use this honey as a substitute for lip moisturizers that are commonly sold in stores.
Lime juice

 Once the ingredients are suitable for facial skin it is also effective for our bibiar loh, already know the efficacy of lime to eliminate acne right. This lime is also able to fade the black color on our lips also lho. Steady not ladies. just apply the water from the lime let it dry, then rinse. Repeat every day until you get the results you want.
Rosewater juice

 Rose water in addition to good for body fragrances is also good for those of you who have dark or black lips. just soak the roses and let the water stand for 4-5 hours. then use this rose water as a lip gloss the night before going to bed, repeat every day to get maximum results.
Using butter

 Butter is famously used as a food dough and cake, in the world of beauty it turns out that this butter is good for the health of your lips. Restore and rejuvenate the red color of your lips. Simply apply butter evenly on your lips, this method is suitable for use before going to bed, and rinse into the next day. 
Well've know How to Redden Lips Naturally Without Lipstick right. No risk and certainly sparing in your pockets all are not ladies. If there is a safe way why do we use ways that can interfere with our health. The above natural ways have even been adopted by local Indonesian artists. So many of these articles, hopefully useful ladies.

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